Thursday, August 30, 2007


Forced open
Pop off
Shirts scatter
Fabric birds
Interrupted in
the course of flight

Hands gently
the virginal flower
caressing inner thighs
of ecstasy
coarse between us

Toes curl
Electricity tingles
Down my spine
Pressed against
the rock
Eternal drums
Beat against
My chest
Every breath
I take

As we lie
Racing daylight
the moon rises
and we must part


mouth dry
thirsting for nourishment
i dip my hands
into the cool
swirls of blue & green
dripping through my
running down my throat

stomach rumbling
i long for the taste
of sweet chocolate
lingering in my mouth
savoring each small
orgasmic explosion
before i swallow

craving sweetness
i pluck a virgin cinnamon stick
from the jar of innocense
feeling the flakey texture
crunch against my cheek
crumbling in my mouth
completing me
inside and out

from the day's journey
i long to rest my head
on two bouyant
drops of sweet caramel
letting my tongue
feast away at the
outer layers
until they are completely
and i have reached
my final destination

Earth: Her last Days

The orb commonly known as Earth
might become no more than scattered mass
in galactic entropy, one day.
the smog that billows from factories
of mass production
have only been a means
of mass destruction

the American consumer
whose programmed to want
the newest,latest, biggest
item out there
throws out computers, cell phones, tvs,
only months old
grains of technological salt
no longer to be bothered with
Yet while those grains of salt
fly carelessly
birds composed of metal and wires
there are those
who sit under the remaining trees
and wonder where are we to go
when our earth comes to an end

Scientists give the false hope
of life on Jupiter, Venus, Mars
yet these minds of factual knowledge
have yet to answer the question
what will happen when
we destroy those planets as well

Nobody wants to say that
when the end of earth occurs
the human race shall be
thrown completely out of
life's bend.
So I shall.........

Monday, August 27, 2007


baby girl
pretty brown eyes
hair with her daddy's curls
*sighs* where did you go wrong
how did i lead you astray
you were raised to believe
God's light was always shining
on you
so why step out?

I don't understand your choices
your deviant behavior
do you like the names they
call you, baby girl?
do you like being called a
dyke, fag, queer?
do you like being harassed
chased down dark allies
your cries unheard
by the world
as they beat you up
nobody to find you,
when its all over with?

baby girl
sweet child of mine
I cant protect you
from the blows
they deliver to your soft
cocoa skin
God's healing hands cant fix your
broken ribs
because when you were conceived
He had no notion they would be broken
over this

Sunday, August 26, 2007

the emotional archer

i stand in the wooded forest
a lush garden of eden.
the sounds of cricket's chirping
squirrels rusteling in trees
does nothing to comfort the sight
that lays ahead
my eyes watch you struggle to get up
arrows sticking out of various appendenges
blood gushing from open wounds
seeping its way into soil
its only now i realize
that i am killing you softly.

i begin to feel overwhelmed
with self hatred, knowing that
once my bow has been loaded
the trajectory of my words
ingrained in arrows of pine wood
have managed to hit the bull's eye
without fail.
i have never meant to intentionally hurt you
my words were never meant to erode
at the fabric of your spirit
but instead, there are only remains
of what used to be a beautiful tapestry.
so i drop my weapons, and walk away
hoping that the distance between us
will give you time to heal.